
What is Thenabia’s Hajj and Umrah Collection?
Thenabia’s Hajj and Umrah modest clothing collection is prepared especially for women planning a visit to Mecca and Medinah to ensure their comfort, compliance with religious guidelines, and convenience for pilgrims.
We have used premium Korean nida matte and rayon cotton fabric for our Hajj and Umrah collections, as they provide more comfort and breathability in the hot weather of Mecca and Medinah.
The Nabia’s Hajj and Umrah collection is available in 10 designs including sleeve embroidery work, keffiyeh embroidery work, and patchwork, etc.
The Nabia’s hajj and Umrah collection is prepared in White color, as white is Sunnah in Islam.
Yes, our Hajj and Umrah Collection is pocket-friendly.
We have prepared our Hajj and Umrah collection in white because most women prefer wearing white for their Hajj and Umrah, and it also absorbs the least heat and is a Sunnah color in Islam.
Our Hajj and Umrah collection is opaque, but because of sunlight, some fabric may seem a little sheer.